Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209

Showroom Aziendale:
T. +39 0532-844109 showroom@ceramicasantagostino.it

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Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209

Showroom Aziendale:
T. +39 0532-844109 showroom@ceramicasantagostino.it

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LePur Yogurt Shop

Beijing - China

LePur Yogurt Shop

Beijing - China
Designer: Ramo Primo

LePur is the new Beijing-based flagship store focused on producing high-quality fresh yogurt, designed by Stefano Avesani and Marcello Campa of RAMOPRIMO.The customer asked to design something linked to the traditional image of a yogurt shop, white and clean, fresh and natural but more contemporary, young and innovative. The designers played with different materials and semi-transparent elements, from wood to glass, to the fabric effect in shades of gray on the floor, where the large porcelain slabs of the collection Digitalart by Ceramica Sant 'Agostino, with their fine graphics, evoke the textures of a cozy home carpet. To achieve this result, Digitalart graphics are created using sophisticated digital printing techniques on a slightly textured three-dimensional surface. In this way the fabric effect is truly amazing and, importantly, the colour or graphics reach the edge of the tiles.
