Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209

Showroom Aziendale:
T. +39 0532-844109 showroom@ceramicasantagostino.it

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Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209

Showroom Aziendale:
T. +39 0532-844109 showroom@ceramicasantagostino.it

Open Google Maps

Digitalart is a Tribute to the Pixel Art of the Eighties revisited to inventé a design language with which to describe stories of styles of everyday life, public or private.

Into the world of fashion using the artistic graphics of tissue and defining a new ornamental code for the most advanced ceramic material. DIGITALART does not limit to translating the style of texture but interprets it artistically through a graphic key, with a chromatic movement of empty and full, alternated through visual sequences that become a language.

Image gallery