Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209
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Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209
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The development of cutting-edge technological solutions, always in balance between quality, innovation and aesthetics, is the key element that drives our process of continuous evolution. The Superior Technology program emphasizes the results of this important work made of advanced research, latest generation technologies, attention to sustainability, to respond to any need of the designer and end user always providing the best solutions for every need.

Größere Dreidimensionalität dem Produkt sowohl visuell als auch haptisch.

für das grafische und materielle Aussehen

unendliche Anzahl von Kombinationen

angenehm anzufühlende Oberfläche

Antibacterial and antiviral technology for healthier and more protected environments.

SAFE PLUS technology
kills over 99% of bacteria
and is 90% effective against
SARS Cov2-Cov 2019 virus

Special polishing for a crystal-clear, hard surface.

Project for continuous surfaces indoor-outdoor.

Special double surface - soft touch and non-slip in one solution.

Digital technology for high definition graphics and textures.